Week 7 and 8: Data Hide and Seek
This week I was mostly flying solo! It was a little intimidating to search through the two databases to find the data I needed. I wasn't always sure what data I needed or what data I would get when I downloaded it. The public land was the most difficult, everything that I found was way more detailed than what I needed. Eventually after changing my search a few times, I found a general public land file. I thought the projections were going to be difficult, but they were not too bad. It helps to have something with your target projection in ArcMap as you reproject because you can use the "Layer" folder in the tool to pick a projections that is already being used in the map. That way you do not have to root around looking for the projection. This project turned out to by way more interesting and way less frustrating that I expected. Here is what I was able to whip up this past week.