Week 5: Projections
This week was a busy one! We started looking into map projections and what the slight differences are between them. The short story is: there are slight differences between each projections, some things will be smaller and some will be bigger depending on what projection you are using. What's the correct projection? Who knows! It would change based on what the range of your map will be, what the project calls for (if you're making a map for someone) or even personal preference. One of my questions was also answered: what to do if someone does not have all of the data it needs. I had to add something that did not have a coordinate system defined. The good news is that it can be assigned in ArcGIS. The bad news is that it is basically a guessing game. Overall, this was a very enlightening week and I look forward to the rest of the projections lesson. Here's a neat map that compares three different projections.
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