Week 6 - Reprojecting Fun

This week was busy. I was collecting data like Harry Potter collecting Horcruxes. Finding the data is only half the problem, it was mainly just searching two websites, you then have to make sure all the coordinate systems agree with each other. This can be time consuming. When reprojecting data, it works best in a new ArcMap page, just in case something goes wrong. Which reminds me, sometimes things go wrong, and the best way to fix it is to close the map completely and then try again. Some signs of something going wrong while reprojecting include:

  • Looking at the scale and making sure it makes sense (like 1:40,000) 1:2.5 is a bad sign
  • Looking at the coordinate of the cursor in the bottom right hand corner and making sure it updates as you move the mouse around.

Also I really liked converting the minutes and seconds to the X/Y coordinates. Next week is the midterm lab, and it takes two weeks! Wish me luck!


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